Blogspot Tips & Tricks for beginner| Blogger Pros & Cons: Tech Blogspot - ALLINTOFACT

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Blogspot Tips & Tricks for beginner| Blogger Pros & Cons: Tech Blogspot

Blogspot Tips & Tricks for beginner| Blogger Pros & Cons: Tech Blogspot

Blogspot Tips & Tricks for beginner|Blogger Pros & Cons

Are You new to blogging? Looking for blogging tips and tricks for Blogger or Blogspot then you are at right place but before getting started let me explain in short for what is the Blogspot?

 blogger is a Content Management System (CMS) For blogging platform especially suited for beginners who wanted to start creating their own blog blogger which is absolutely FREE provided by Google company. Here are some tips and tricks that I figured out that will be useful for those who want to tweak the settings or features of bloggers.

1. You can create separate pages for your About, Contact, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, etc pages to make a good impression of your blog.

Blogspot Tips & Tricks for beginner| Blogger Pros & Cons: Tech Blogspot

2. You can enable Meta Description for your blog & Posts as well to make your blog SEO friendly.

Blogspot Tips & Tricks for beginner| Blogger Pros & Cons: Tech Blogspot

After Enabling Meta Description tag for your posts then there will be an extra feature for search description on your right-hand side which looks like below:

Blogspot Tips & Tricks for beginner| Blogger Pros & Cons: Tech Blogspot

3. You can add your custom HTML & CSS( If you are learning Web Design Or Development)

a. To Edit Html Go to  Themes Menu>Edit Html

Blogspot Tips & Tricks for beginner| Blogger Pros & Cons: Tech Blogspot

b. To add your custom CSS same process above but Theme Menu > Customize then following

Blogspot Tips & Tricks for beginner| Blogger Pros & Cons: Tech Blogspot

4. You can add pre-built in Gadgets or widgets to where ever you want using Drag & Drop features by the following process:

Blogspot Tips & Tricks for beginner| Blogger Pros & Cons: Tech Blogspot

There are also many other blogging tips I guess it will be helpful for beginners which I will be posting in my future posts.

But Before Getting started creating, let me clarify some Pros(Advantages) & Cons(Disadvantages) of blogger or Blogspot blogging platform.

Blogspot Pros & Cons:

Pros of Blogspot:

  • It's Free to use you don't have to pay a penny rather you need to have the internet connection 
  • Its especially used at the beginner steps for learning to build a blog or websites.
  • Its the product of Google company which is a plus point
  • It is easy to use, almost all Graphical User Interface(GUI) & Drag & Drop features are available.
  • If your blogs got popular you can monetize your blog using Google Adsense which is the best monetization options available till now.

Cons of Blogspot:

  • Not suited for Advance Level users
  • Not so highly customizable CMS systems as compared to Wordpress, Drupal, etc
  • Resources for tweaking or making changes to Blogspot blog are limited
  • Google is not upgrading its version frequently some say that "Blogspot is dead" same Google plus
I hope this post helped you to learn some Blogspot Tips and Tricks if you are a beginner. If you have any other Blogspot tips and Tricks then Please feel free to leave your comment.
Thank You

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