25-cmd commands tricks| Helpful CMD Commands : Tech Blogspot - ALLINTOFACT

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25-cmd commands tricks| Helpful CMD Commands : Tech Blogspot

25-cmd commands tricks| Helpful CMD Commands : Tech Blogspot

Looking For Cmd commands Tricks which are very Helpful Command Prompt? Commands that will make your work easier and Faster. Here I have listed some useful Cmd or DOS(Disk Operating System) commands Tricks.

1. To see the history of commands you have used

doskey /history

2. run multiple commands

Syntax: Command 1 && Command 2 && .....Command N

Eg: ipconfig && mspaint && dir

3. To see the list of PC drivers you have installed to your laptop or PC


4. To send output to clipboard or copy command output

Syntax: [Command Name] | clip
Eg: ipconfig | clip

Note: After using this command you can paste(Ctrl + V) the output to any text editor

5. abort the executin of any command

Ctrl + C

6. changing the foreground & background-color of the DOS screen.

Syntax: color [background color][foreground color]
you can use the following character or digit combination to change the foreground & background color of DOS screen:

    0 = Black       8 = Gray
    1 = Blue         9 = Light Blue
    2 = Green       A = Light Green
    3 = Aqua        B = Light Aqua
    4 = Red          C = Light Red
    5 = Purple      D = Light Purple
    6 = Yellow      E = Light Yellow
    7 = White       F = Bright White

Eg 1: color 1C ( Change Blue Background & Light red foreground or text color)
Eg 2: color a (change the text color to light green)
Eg 3: color (Set to Default Color)

7. To create WIFI Hotspot from the command prompt

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=[hotspotname] key=[password]

Note: This sets the hotspot with SSID[Wifi Name] & Password you have given.

After that, enter the following command:

a. To start the Wi-Fi Hotspot

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

To stop Hotspot, enter this command:

netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

8. To scan & repair system files of your Laptop or computer

sfc /scannow

9. To display files one page at  a time

dir /s

10. To get the help of any command

Syntax: [command name ] /? or Help [command name]

Eg: dir /? or help dir

11. To view drive's entire directory or file in Tree Format


12. To clear the screen


13. To Change Directory

Syntax: CD [Directory Name]

Eg 1: CD.. [Go back a directory]

Eg2: CD/ [Come Out of the whole directory]

Eg3: CD D:\>BTK\Picture [Go inside Picture Directory or Folder which is a subdirectory of BTK Folder or directory]

14. To delete temporary files

del /q /f /s %temp%\*

15. To Quick fix commands for Network connection issues

ipconfig /release (Releases your currently issued local IP address)
ipconfig /renew (Requests a new local IP address)
ipconfig /flushdns (Resets the contents of the DNS client resolver cache)

16. To Generate reports about your system

powercfg /energy (Generates a report about the energy efficiency of your system)

powercfg /batteryreport (Generates a report with specifications for your battery as well as stats and graphs about the history of your battery usage)

netsh wlan show wlanreport (Generates a report with specs for your wireless hardware along with information about your connection history)

18. For getting information about motherboard

wmic baseboard get product,version,serialnumber,product

19. To test wheather the Website is working or Not

Syntax: ping [URL} or ping [IP Address]

Eg: ping google.com   Or ping

20. To find Out your Windows  OS(Operating System) detail version

ver (Displays Output in Dos Screen or Console)
winver (Displays Output in GUI Form)

21. To show WiFi Profiles that you have ever connected to your Laptop or PC

netsh wlan show profile

22. to show wifi password for a connected network

Syntax: netsh wlan show profile [Profile Name] key=clear

Eg: netsh wlan show profile BTK Wifi key=clear

Note: BTK Wifi= Wifi profile name that you have connected to 

23. To see Detailed Information of Your Laptop or PC in GUI Form (Installed DirectX)


24. To See your Local IP Address

ipconfig /all

25. See Connections & Protocols of your TCP/ IP Connection

netstat -ano

I hope These cmd commands tricks are helpful for you and save your time. If this post was helpful then please share this post & also if you have any other CMD helpful commands then please, feel free to leave your comment.

Thank You

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