Phone Notifications setting Allintofact - ALLINTOFACT

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Phone Notifications setting Allintofact

You have probably heard someone at some point utter the phrase, “How did I ever survive before my smartphone.” Those people are probably like me – a little older. Having had the experience of life without a smartphone makes me appreciate phone notifications so much.
Phone notifications push the information you choose directly to your mobile without you having to do anything to instigate the process. These notifications can take the form of a red number on an application badge, a pop up, or in a notification menu you can check without opening the phone. Setting up notifications is generally an easy process and can be done in several ways.

When you initially install an application on your phone or tablet, it will probably ask you if you want to allow notifications. If you say yes, it will automatically send them. There is usually a setting in the system menu on the phone where you can control which apps show phone notifications, how, and for what information. In the application, there might also be a notification option where you can set up what you want to know about and when or how often. For example, sports scores for particular teams are popular notifications for sports apps.

Regardless of how you set them up, and in which applications, they will give you information tailored to you as it occurs. Be careful however, because if you set up too many notifications, you may be overloaded with information you don’t really want. Also, it’s a good idea to choose whether each of your phone notifications is accompanied by an audible warning – too many of these can drive you mad! I personally use notifications for weather, news and fitness apps. For the rest, I go into the app itself to see what I want to find out.

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