Do you know what is gastric? - ALLINTOFACT

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Do you know what is gastric?

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hi friend Do you know what is gastric?

Most people in our country do not eat in the morning. 

Breakfast at 12 noon or 1 noon. It is a big cause of gastric.

 Or ate lunch at once.
 There is a problem of gastric due to the long interval between lunch and lunch.
Apart from eating more food at night, this problem can be.
 Gastric problems vary by age.
A big reason for the problem of gastric in women is the stone in the globstone.
This tendency is higher in women than men. If it is nausea in the beginning,
it is dehydration; I do not want to eat anything. In our country,
the time of the office of the people,

life has become like this, it is 8 to 9 pm. 

Most people eat late-night food. Sleeping soon after taking food.
 This is also one of the main causes of gastric.
 If there is such a problem, consult a specialist doctor, be good.

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