Refrain from doing 7 jobs after eating rice - ALLINTOFACT

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Refrain from doing 7 jobs after eating rice

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Hello friends, welcome to you again with a new topic, and I hope these tips will be of great help to you.

The main food rice at least 300 million people in the world. This rice is also our main meal. Many of us do not know that there is a need to stay busy after some food after feeding food. Stay tuned to stay healthy. From the following seven works. The tasks are: Do not eat any fruit immediately after eating it. Gas can form. One or two hours after eating the meal, or one hour before eating the fruit. Do not smoke. Are you dying If you eat many cigarettes throughout the day, you will do more harm than if you do not harm it, if you eat one after eating rice. Eating a cigarette after eating rice and consuming 10 cigarettes overall carries the same meaning in terms of damage. Do not eat tea. The tea contains plenty of acetic acid, which increases the protein intake of food 100 times, which results in more food than normal digestion. Do not lace belt or pants waist. If belt or pants loin lumps immediately after eating, it can easily become intestine (lower part of the cereal up to stomach than the stomach), can be twisted or blocked. Which is called the International Obstruction. Do not bathe. After eating the rice, the body's blood circulation level increases. As a result, the amount of blood around the stomach can be reduced, which will weaken the digestive tract of the body, so that it will take more than normal time to digest food. Do not go to sleep It is of course, we all know that we should not go to sleep after eating rice. Because it does not digest food well. As a result, gastric and intestine infections occur. Do not walk. Many people say that 100 meals after the meal means increase of life 100 days. But the fact is not really true. After the meal should walk, but of course it is not immediately immediately after eating it. Because of this, our body's digestive system is unable to absorb the necessary nutrients from the food.
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